My Wine Club

Hi there!   

I’m Cecilia 👋 and I do the typing for Wulffie🐈 We’re great partners. He makes the choices 🐾 & I offer them to you. 💁

We joined a Wine Club! 🍇

Not a tasting club, but an honest to God wine of the month club.🍷

With a cool name:

🍇 Direct Cellars 🍇

Were not talking brown bag supermarket wine. These are Single Vineyard, Premium Fine Wines from all over the world 🌎 chosen by sommeliers 👍 and delivered right to our door. (The UPS guy was kinda cute too.😯😍)

Check out this recent shipment of wine:


Why four bottles? Because that is what you receive every month. Two bottles each of two different vintages.

When we signed up we had the choice of all red, all white or half & half.

Wulffie really likes white because of his fish & seafood diet. I’m much less finicky (Yes, I typed finicky. Get your paws of the keyboard! I most certainly am leaving it in.)

Apologies for the interruption. That cat!

As I was saying, I’m more a pasta, cheese and beef gal. Texas! Yeehaw.😃  So, I like both red and white. To maintain peace, we opted for the mix.

We love it!

They are beautiful wines!

It’s so exciting!

🍷 Direct Cellars 🍷

A chef friend recommended this club to me. He joined the club immediately on the spot. Not only because of the quality of the wine, but because the cost is well below retail.

See, the order is two different, quality wines each time but the price is the same every time.💲

That’s how I got a $50 bottle of wine for LESS than half that amount.

There’s even a way to get your wine for free. An easy, low effort way!

We’ll tell you more about the wines next post.

For now, check it out for yourselves. See how cool and easy the club is here on our site:

🍷 Direct Cellars 🍷

Hello and Welcome from Wulffie the Cat

Hello world.


Take a load off. Let’s visit.

Wulffie waiting for you by the keyboard.
Wulffie waiting for you by the keyboard.

Wulffie the Cat is here to help you discover the latest goodies the Internet has to offer. Things that will fulfill your needs and improve the quality of your life.

From health information to entertainment, the links he has gathered cover everything you could need and everything that you could ever want.

He is constantly adding and updating this site with new information, honest opinions and specific details of the ever growing online experience.

Why would a sleepy looking ginger kitty do this? Because that’s who he is and what he does. Finding and sharing helpful information is what satisfies his curiosity and hopefully keeps you coming back.

Consider him your “inside source” for new online information, goods and services   He’s already gathered such a huge and constantly growing collection of links that he decided to create a list of Categories to make it easy to find what you need or even just what you want.

Take the time to explore the Categories right now and let him point you in the right direction for the latest things available for you online.

Bookmark him and check back often. He’ll always have something new for you to see.